Our Events

From concerts to curry quizzes, garden parties to garage music, we shall be holding regular events for the community to enjoy while fundraising for the hall.

  • Upcoming event

  • Curry & Quiz Night at The Ship

    Thursday 10th October 2024
    7.00 pm

    In the heart of Meads high street, The Ship is renowned for a warm welcome, good food, and its quiz nights.

    A big thank you to Faye, her team and the volunteers who made this happen!

    £1,690 was raised towards the building works in the hall
  • Seaside Singers

    Seaside Singers
    8th July 2024 1900-2100

    The Seaside Singers will be performing in the hall. If you’ve never heard them live then this is your opportunity to catch them in a venue whose acoustics should suit them well.

    This event is now sold out.
    For their help selling tickets, we would like to thank:
    Chapman Wine Merchants
    36 Meads Street
    Eastbourne BN20 7RG
    Tue-Sat 10am-6pm

    Browse their fine selection of drinks when you’re in there!

    Thanks to the Seaside Singers and all who attended the marvelous evening!

    circa £1,600 raised towards
    Saving the Hall
  • Garden Party

    30th June 2024 10:30-1600

    Explore a wonderful garden right here in Meads.

    Chelmsford Lodge, 12 Granville Road BN20 7HE

    Thanks to Jane and all who attended the marvelous event!

    circa £2,200 raised towards
    Saving the Hall
  • Eastbourne Silver Band

    18th April 2024 from 7.00pm

    Enjoy an evening out at St John’s Parish Hall, with entertainment provided by the Eastbourne Silver Band.

    There will be cabaret style seating, and the bar will be serving a range of wines and beers, plus soft drinks and some light snacks.
    This is a ticketed event with all proceeds going towards Meads (Eastbourne) Community Centre.

    This event is now sold out.
    For their help selling tickets, we would like to thank:
    Chapman Wine Merchants
    36 Meads Street
    Eastbourne BN20 7RG
    Tue-Sat 10am-6pm

    Browse their fine selection of drinks when you’re in there!

    Thanks to Eastbourne Silver Band and all who attended the marvelous evening!

    circa £1,800 raised towards
    Saving the Hall
  • More coming soon

    If you or your organisation would like to help raise funds for us by giving a performance or hosting an even, please contact us.

    Check back regularly for new events.